Upcoming Movie - Guardians Of Galaxy Vol. 2 – Party Savers

Upcoming Movie - Guardians Of Galaxy Vol. 2


Upcoming Movie - Guardians Of Galaxy Vol. 2


Hollywood will never have its fill of brilliant superhero movies. With an awesome list of superheroes like Wonder Woman, Spider Man, Thor and Justice League on the way, you might be contended with what you see. But Hollywood is not. Guardians of Galaxy Vol. 2 is one of the most anticipated films since the first part came out. If you’ve enjoyed the first installment of the Guardians of Galaxy, then the second part is sure to mesmerize you.


Being a science-fiction writer himself, director James Gunn knew exactly what the audience wanted when he directed Guardians of Galaxy. The characters were brilliant and added fresh taste to the clichéd superhero movies. There is going to be an Awesome Mix Vol 2 and it has already been decided which songs will be a part of it. We see the return of Quill/star-lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Racoon and Groot (baby groot actually!). In this part, Thanos’ daughter Nebula returns with a fistful of vengeance and resentment. It is also rumored that the original team of the guardians is going to expand as more member join them. Also, Quill and the others will stumble upon new problems and learn new secrets. The trailer looks exciting with lots of new action, romance, drama and plenty of sci-fi stuff to keep audiences at the edge of their seats. From the looks of it, it won’t be disappointing at all and it will be worth more than the price of the ticket (maybe two!).

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